Lone worker

What is lone working?

Lone working refers to activities carried out by employees without the direct presence of colleagues or superiors. This means that the person works independently and without direct supervision. In field service, this is often the case when technicians visit customers independently to carry out repairs or installations.

Why is working alone a challenge?

Working alone poses specific challenges, particularly in terms of employee safety:

  • Increased risk of accidents: In the event of accidents or sudden health problems, lone workers cannot call for help immediately.
  • Communication problems: Without direct communication with colleagues or the head office, problems can be reported with a delay.
  • Increased mental stress: Working alone can also be more mentally stressful as employees work without support.

Where does lone working occur?

Lone working occurs in many areas, including

  • Field service activities: Technicians performing installations or maintenance alone at customer sites.
  • Security services: Security guards who monitor specific areas alone.
  • Industry and production: employees who work in remote areas of plants.

Use case

How Entry supports the field service

One of our customers in the telecommunications industry uses Entry to digitize access control to important systems. Before the introduction of Entry, the processes were time-consuming. After implementation, the company was able to reduce access times, to significantly increase security standards and to increase field staff satisfaction through clear and transparent processes.
Use case: How Entry supports the field service

Who is affected by lone working?

Those affected by lone working include

  • Technicians and maintenance staff working in the field.
  • Employees in security and guard services who carry out patrols alone.
  • Employees in plantmaintenance who work in remote areas.

How does the Entry solution help with lone working?

The Entry solution supports companies in ensuring the safety of lone workers through:

  • Digital safety functions such as the dead man's switch to raise the alarm in an emergency.
  • GPS tracking: monitoring the position of employees for rapid assistance in an emergency.
  • Automatic notifications to the NOC if an anomaly is detected.